Aquarille Consultancy Services
Irrigation Under Control


    Providing support to any customer having difficulties with their Irrigation control system.

    Primarily providing sales & support for the following control systems but by being independent I can look at any control system and will be adding other systems to the list.

    · Aquarille Logic Plus

    · Aquarille Touch

    · Aquarille AQ 127

    · Aquarius Universal

    · Aquarille Translator

    · Tonic Translator

    · Monitor 100 Plus

    · Aquarius 2100 & 2400

    · TW 2

    · Hunter Controllers

    · Trident & Gemini

    · Radio and Mobile Phone Remote Control for all Control Systems


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    Double-click to edit text, or drag to move.

    Double-click to edit text, or drag to move.

    Double-click to edit text, or drag to move.

    Double-click to edit text, or drag to move.

    Double-click to edit text, or drag to move.

    Double-click to edit text, or drag to move.